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Discipline is the effort to create some space

in which God can act…it means preventing everything in your life from being filled up.

- Henri Nouwen, Moving From Solitude to Community to Ministry

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Some Inspiration...

Your place of work is a seminary,
your work is a sacrament,  
your family and friends are a monastery,
your home is a sanctuary…

Ronald Rolheiser, Domestic Monastery

Image by Haley Carman

who, what, where, when, why, & how


You and a director. The best way to find a spiritual director is through someone you know - either a director themselves or someone who meets with one. You can also find networks through local spiritual direction training programs, retreat centers, and local congregations, especially Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox churches. 


Spiritual direction has been around for a long time but is experiencing a renewal of sorts in the last couple of decades. It's basically one person helping another person be in the present moment and paying attention to their life. (SDI offers an expansive description of soul companioning in its varied forms here.) My own list of typical boundaries for spiritual direction is here, which reveals how it’s different from therapy or pastoral counseling. 


In person, over the phone, online (and I’ve heard of letter-writing too!). It’s always ideal to meet with someone in person - in an office, church or outdoor space - but tele-direction can be surprisingly good, and of course virtual spiritual direction has become very workable (and is surprisingly fruitful). 


The typical rhythm for spiritual direction is once a month for an hour, but some people go more than that for short seasons. You should have the chance with any director to check-in after a few meetings to see how it’s working for you.


Many experience spiritual direction as a regular and - at times profound - means of grace in their lives, helping them to steadily recognize and respond to the Divine's invitations with creative, courageous integrity. Here are some reasons I've heard over the years from people interested in spiritual direction: 

  • Wanting to find "their voice" 

  • Seeing the fruits of spiritual direction in a friend or family member's life

  • Coming out of a season of just-surviving and wanting to shape the season ahead with more intentionality

  • Hoping to grow closer to God

  • Hoping to grow closer to themselves

  • Entering a sabbatical

  • Discerning a shift in vocation, career, life stage, identity, living situation, or call

  • Wanting to reflect on their life with someone (and are already in therapy or have been and want something a bit different in this season)

  • Having left the faith of their past/youth and wondering what's next, what's there

  • Finding that former spiritual practices don't work or give life anymore, hoping for new ways to pray, love, and "be"

  • Working in a non-profit, ministry, or church and needing someone "outside" it all to process with and to stay connected to themselves

  • Having friends who say, "When I was talking with my spiritual director..." and finding themselves curious and drawn to what that means/looks like

  • To grow in integrity (increasing congruence between what they value and how they live a day, a week, a year, a life)

While I don't believe spiritual direction is for all people in all seasons, if you're drawn to it, I do believe that your loved ones, neighbors and community will be enriched by your investment in this spiritual practice.


Send an email to inquire, or schedule a free 20 minute consult to ask any questions and talk more about what spiritual direction would look like. â€‹If you're looking for a specific type of director (i.e. BIPOC or certain denominational leaning), go to my referral networks page to connect to more. 

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